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The Draft district Plan feedback submissions closing 6th dec 5:00PM
Natural Hazards

How Should We Grow? We Want To Know!

Natural Hazards

Wairarapa is susceptible to a range of natural hazards, and in some areas these can pose significant risks. When natural hazards occur, they can result in damage to property and buildings, and in the worst case, can lead to loss of human life.

The District Plan contains provisions in the Natural Hazards chapter to manage the use and subdivision of land susceptible to the following natural hazards, which present the greatest risk to people, property and infrastructure:

  • Flooding
  • Fault rupture and liquefaction from earthquakes;
  • Coastal inundation (including tsunami); and
  • Coastal erosion.

The natural hazards provisions adopt a risk-based approach that focuses on the likelihood and consequences of natural hazard events.

Natural hazards have been categorised according to the likelihood of a natural hazard event occurring and potential magnitude of impact they pose. Buildings and activities have been categorised as ‘hazard sensitive’, ‘potentially hazard sensitive’ or ‘less hazard sensitive’ according to the potential consequences to life and property as a result of those activities occurring within a natural hazard area. The Draft Proposed District Plan seeks to avoid development where the risk posed by natural hazards is too high. It allows for development to occur where the risk can be reduced to acceptable levels through appropriate mitigation.

Wairarapa Combined District Plan Review

What are we proposing?

Natural Hazard Maps

Technical assessments have been commissioned to:

  • Understand where liquefaction may occur after an earthquake; and
  • Refine the location of faults in Wairarapa.

These areas have been included as natural hazard overlays in the draft Proposed District Plan. The fault hazard study identified some new faults, or new fault traces along previously mapped faults.

Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) is undertaking floodplain management planning for river catchments across Wairarapa. The Waiohine Floodplain Management Plan, Te Kauru Upper Ruamahanga Floodplain Management Plan and Mangatarere Stream flood study include flood hazard maps and these are available on the GWRC website. For other river catchments, the technical assessments are not yet complete, but mapping that shows the areas subject to flood hazards, developed by GWRC, have been incorporated into the Proposed District Plan. Coastal hazards are based on the Foreshore Protection Area and Coastal Environment Overlay identified in the Proposed District Plan.

Natural Hazards Chapter

The natural hazards chapter applies a risk-based approach to the management of activities in areas that are subject to natural hazards. This means that types of activities that can occur in a high or moderate hazard area are very limited, because the consequences from a natural hazard event occurring in these areas would likely be very high. Activities posing less risk to human safety and building damage, such as accessory buildings or parks facilities, are generally permitted.

Wairarapa Combined District Plan Review